With Spring Comes Bursts of Life.
Once again, I have joined Camp NaNoWriMo April. The goal I chose is not a word count, but minutes; 1800 minutes, one hour for every day this month, shall be spent clearing out my notes cache. I intend to reach the bottom! If I finish with time left over, I will move on to fixing…
Overcoming minor Annoyances, and a Request for Writing Prompts
Well, if you read last month’s post, you know my personal project should be done by now. It would be done, except for a miscommunication. I have tried twice to submit the paperwork, only to be delayed by technicalities. Still, I think I have everything in line this time. It will be finished this coming…
Ideas can be whole, yet incomplete.
Hello, everyone. My personal project is progressing well so far. I suspect this stage of it will be done around the next post. However, since this place talks about writing and my current main project is not related to writing, I have little news to share here. The further I get in sorting my files,…
Odd Weather, Future Prospects, and a Tool Search.
Happy New Year, everyone! We have snow here, can you believe it? Well, maybe you can, but around here we have had years when we did not get any, and we are currently blanketed by eight powdery inches. You cannot even make a snowball out of this – it’s too cold! My odd New Year’s…
Hooray, I did it!
Oh, I was worried; not any more. Fifty thousand words in thirty days, and I have officially completed the 2023 NaNoWriMo challenge! So what if those words are scattered across four stories and various notes? Those stories rock! At least, they will when I tidy them up. Now to finish my previous stories, and plan…
National Novel Writing Month Number Four!
Guess who is behind? Falling behind seems to be a common theme for this challenge. It is surprising, then, that so many who do fall behind still complete it. Miss a single day, or only halfway complete a day, and all those words left unwritten spread across the remaining time. Miss a second day, and…
Right now is NaNoWriMo’s Preptober Event!
…and I have a story. I grouped together all of my story ideas and whittled them down, and down some more. Twenty, twelve, nine – all of a sudden, only one story really fit everything I wanted this year. Fantasy, here we come! A lot of my runners-up got ruled out because they do not…
This is More of A Placeholder
I’ve tried not to put out a ‘life happened, so I have nothing new to say’ post. That is kept in reserve for when personal events become truly overwhelming, not just for accumulations of the ordinary. I could say where I am in writing, as I intended to when I decided to write these updates,…
From the Middle of Summer to its Height.
My science fiction story is more than halfway edited so far. I found a scene which needs some of the events in it changed. To change what is already there to be something different yet similar, while fitting smoothly to what it flowed with before, is a new experience for me. It feels like it’s…
It’s Camp July Again
…and I am behind, as usual. I don’t care, I am still happy with my progress. My story is fun to read again. And editing this way is so much faster than a full rewrite. NaNoWriMo’s Camp events always feel less urgent to me, less stressful. No doubt this is partly because one can change…