I Looked at Website Plugins
This month, in between the random new ideas and the miscellany life throws at us, I investigated the plugins on my website. The first one I tried to tackle was All In One SEO (Search Engine Optimization). That went well, until it was time to make a free account. It wanted my phone number. I…
I forgot about the rest of the website.
As it turns out, I have neglected my website maintenance these past few months. I logged in to post this and moderate comments, and found several notifications about updates. So, I dived in to making back-ups and navigating the various pages behind the public ones, and found out that I forgot a lot more than…
Five Year Writing Streak!
I completed the November writing challenge again! While I did not rewrite my older scenes, I did read a few of them and continue writing from where they left off. My other contingency plan, that of working in other stories, got me through the last week. The words often flow easier when one looks at…
Mid-Challenge! Will the traditional streak break?
Half-way through November, woohoo! One-quarter of the way through the challenge, yikes! I ended up choosing an old story of mine for this November’s writing project. It is some type of fantasy, possibly urban fantasy, in which Earth is the only plane where the main populace do not perform magic. It has been several years…
Each Time, More Ways To Be Ready.
Next month, I will take the challenge of writing 50k words in 30 days! I have started narrowing down which project I will work on. The perfect one would have most of its plot already known, be long enough that it would take fifty thousand words or more to tell it all, and would still…
Ready for Two Kinds of Waiting.
Hello, everyone! Let’s dive right in. I looked into the NaNoWriMo scandal(s) again. Apparently, they are being criticized for more than one thing. This time, I also read their official website. Obviously, the statement they published paints themselves in a better light than news outlets or disgruntled writers. They offered general reasons for why things…
Short, sweet, easy to beat.
My website needs maintenance again. It wants to update the version of WordPress. The walkthroughs recommend I back up my website before such a change, just in case. That means I should probably do one again after the update is successful. A friend of mine got a job in a computer field I cannot quite…
I’m not doing a Summer writing camp.
It has been a crazy Summer so far. We’ve had a couple of health scares with an elderly relative, a meet-up with other relatives from out of town, arranged some repairs to our house, and are partway through preparations needed before the workers are supposed to come. With everything that is going on, I have…
I Have Been Living Under A Rock.
If you have read my posts, you probably know that I participate in NaNoWriMo, which is a yearly writing event hosted by a non-profit organization of the same name. I commit myself to the challenge, I use the word counter provided on their website, and maybe buy that year’s shirt. I don’t use their forums.…
Website’s Second Birthday.
Hello, everyone! It is May again, and the anniversary of this website. I checked my host provider; everything is up to date and ready to keep running for another year. Last time, I told you I was in the middle of sorting through an enormous pile of notes. That pile is not gone yet, but…