At long last, I have reached a different section of my science fiction story. Progress is still painstakingly slow, yet steady. Then my friend suggested that I had been forcing myself to work on this for too long and needed a break. After some consideration, I chose to focus on other projects for this week. It worked, too; I spontaneously got some ideas which fill gaps in this new section. And, I found a giant contradiction. How can only four or five people know about the time travel which started of all this if whole teams of scientists were involved with preventing our timeline from being smothered by other ones? I’ll need to fix that at some point.
I found myself surprised after looking at it as a whole. When I started editing the first draft, the order of events was still undetermined. It is set now. It turns out this story has three groups of three. Three major events are between the beginning and the middle; three more are between the middle and the end; and there are the beginning, middle, and end themselves. That was unintentional! I was thrilled when I found such a thing had occurred naturally.
You have already heard most of what I have to say. I feel I reiterate too much from previous posts already. I shall keep working, and hope most (or both) of you will not be too disappointed by a shorter update this month.