…and I am behind, as usual. I don’t care, I am still happy with my progress. My story is fun to read again. And editing this way is so much faster than a full rewrite.
NaNoWriMo’s Camp events always feel less urgent to me, less stressful. No doubt this is partly because one can change a camp goal while in the middle. It still helps me, though; these official events encourage me to organize myself and set deadlines. I don’t like deadlines, but they are effective for me – when I hold myself to them.
As I write this, I find myself trying to rephrase my words into active voice. The search engine optimization features on my website change colors in warning if, among other things, I use too much passive voice. It is interesting: passive. It interests me: active.
This story is taking a long time. I first began writing this science fiction novel in November 2021, and cannot imagine declaring it ready for publication this year. Can I learn to write faster, and still do it well? Surely I can, somehow. Plenty of authors do.
It is stormy out. I greatly enjoy storms. Sunshine is nice, too; I simply like variety in my weather.
Now that I have finished, I checked the website’s feature again and found another ‘error,’ according to it. My post is too short. And no, this post script did not fix it.