Five Year Writing Streak!

I completed the November writing challenge again!

While I did not rewrite my older scenes, I did read a few of them and continue writing from where they left off. My other contingency plan, that of working in other stories, got me through the last week. The words often flow easier when one looks at something after a long break from it.

The title I just put on this post made me pause. Five years, huh? One novel mostly done, another draft completed, two more drafts mostly completed. I feel like I have been idle, but that’s is only because I have nothing finished. It’s mostly fear holding me back now, isn’t it? Edit the thing, choose how to publish it, and make the leap. It is not objectively a big deal.

Recently, I thought about my science fiction story while I was washing dishes. Soon I caught myself thinking, “I want to read that again!” I’m pretty sure that is a sign of a good story; I have only to make sure I tell it well. Well, that and make the scary leap.

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